Oceanz B.V.
As an innovator, Oceanz is the specialist and market leader in Additive Manufacturing in the Netherlands. You have the idea, a file or a requirement for product properties? We convert this for you into the right product with the right after-treatment. As manufacturer we are your reliable production partner. Based on personal contact, we build long-term relationships while you can use YourOceanz, our online 3D printing service. As a supplier we work on efficient processes, optimal supply chain management and short delivery times (Oceanz Express) with high delivery reliability.


We ship with:

Oceanz 3D printing
Maxwellstraat 21
6716 BX, Ede Gld
+31 318 769 077
CEO: E. van der Garde
CC: Arnhem 50225863
VAT ID: NL822621393B01
Article 1 Definitions
In these conditions, the following terms are used in the following sense, unless explicitly stated otherwise:
Oceanz: the private limited companies Oceanz BV and / or (legal) persons affiliated with it;
Customer : the other party of Oceanz;
Goods : the goods produced by Oceanz on behalf of the
Agreement : every agreement between Oceanz and Buyer;
Article 2 General
2.1 The provisions of these terms and conditions apply to every
offer, quotation, agreement and to any other legal relationship between Oceanz
and the Purchaser, insofar as the parties have not explicitly deviated from
these terms and conditions in writing.
2.2 The applicability of the Customer's general terms and conditions
is expressly excluded, unless the parties have agreed otherwise in writing.
If Oceanz
concludes agreements with the Buyer more than once, the present conditions
apply to all subsequent agreements, regardless of whether or not they have been
explicitly declared applicable.
2.4 If one or more provisions in these terms and conditions are
invalid or should be declared void, the remaining provisions of these terms and
conditions will continue to apply.
Article 3 Offers, quotations and agreements
All offers or
quotations from Oceanz, in whatever form, are without obligation, unless a
period for acceptance is stated in the offer.
3.2 If a period for acceptance is set in an offer or quotation, an
agreement will be concluded by full, written and unconditional acceptance of the
Purchaser of that offer or quotation within the stipulated period. For
deliveries or work for which, due to their nature and / or scope, no quotation
or order confirmation is sent, the invoice is also considered as order
confirmation, which is also deemed to accurately and completely represent the
agreement. In all other cases, an agreement is only concluded through
written confirmation thereof from Oceanz.
3.3 Oceanz reserves the right at any time for technical or other
reasons not to execute an agreement or to cancel it, for example due to the
unenforceability of the order, because it is likely that this will infringe the
rights of a third party because the intended goods manufacturing (may) be
illegal and / or criminal activities, because of the unsavory and racist nature
thereof, etc , some things always at the discretion of Oceanz without
involving schadeplichting be towards the Customer.
If a natural
person concludes an agreement on behalf of or at the expense of the Buyer, he
declares, by signing the agreement, to be authorized to do so. In addition
to the Customer, this person is jointly and severally liable for all
obligations arising from the agreement.
The prices in
the aforementioned offers and quotations are in Euros excluding VAT and other
government levies, as well as excluding any transport and packaging costs,
unless explicitly stated otherwise.
3.6 If the acceptance deviates from the offer included in the
quotation, Oceanz is not bound by this. The agreement will then not be concluded
in accordance with this deviating acceptance, unless Oceanz indicates
A composite
quotation does not oblige Oceanz to fulfill part of the obligations included in
the offer or quotation against a corresponding part of the quoted price.
Offers or
quotations do not apply to follow-up orders.
Article 4 Execution of the agreement
Oceanz is
authorized to engage third parties for the correct execution of the
agreement. If possible, it will consult with the Customer about this.
Oceanz is not
liable for damage of whatever nature caused by the fact that Oceanz relied on
incorrect and / or incomplete data provided by the Customer. Neither does
Oceanz guarantee that the manufactured goods are suitable for the use intended
by the Customer.
If Oceanz
must manufacture or has manufactured goods based on ideas, designs, drawings,
animations, models, products, etc. originating from the Customer, the Customer
guarantees that the manufacture of those goods does not infringe patent (s),
trademark right (s), commercial model ( s ) or any other right of
third parties and it indemnifies Oceanz in full and extrajudicially against any
claim against Oceanz.
If a third
party objects to the manufacture and / or delivery of goods on the basis of any
claimed right, then Oceanz is entitled to immediately cease production and / or
delivery and demand reimbursement of the costs incurred from the Purchaser,
without prejudice to Oceanz's claims. on compensation to the Customer
and without Oceanz being obliged to pay any compensation to it.
4.5 In the event of manufacture of goods based on ideas, designs,
drawings, animations, models, products, etc. of Oceanz, the intellectual and /
or industrial property rights remain with Oceanz at all times.
In some
cases, the goods to be delivered by Oceanz will only be taken into production
after the Customer has been shown a sample that has been approved by the
The goods
delivered by Oceanz may contain traces of materials other than the material
from which the goods are made. Oceanz is not liable for any damage caused
as a result.
Article 5 Transport, risk and delivery
takes place ex warehouse. The transport and the method of packaging is at
the expense and risk of the Customer, unless agreed otherwise. If during
transport on behalf of Oceanz damage and / or defects, which can be observed
upon delivery of the goods, are not immediately noted on the bill of lading or
the delivery document, Oceanz is not liable for the damage and / or defects to
be reported later.
5.2 The risk of loss or damage to the goods manufactured by Oceanz
is transferred to the Customer at the moment that these goods are legally and /
or actually delivered to the Customer and are thereby placed under the control
of the Customer or of a third party to be designated by the Customer. .
5.3 The
Purchaser is
obliged to purchase the goods manufactured by Oceanz in the context of the
agreement at the moment that Oceanz delivers them, delivers them to him or has
them delivered, or at the moment when they are made available to him under the
If the
Customer refuses to take delivery or is negligent in providing information or
instructions that are necessary for the delivery, Oceanz is entitled to store
the goods for the account and risk of the Customer.
If Oceanz
requires data from the Customer in the context of the performance of the
agreement, the delivery time will commence after the Buyer has made this
available to Oceanz.
If Oceanz has
specified a delivery period, this is indicative. A specified delivery time
is therefore never a strict deadline. If this period is exceeded, the
Customer must give Oceanz written notice of default.
5.7 Oceanz is entitled to deliver the goods in parts, unless this
has been deviated from in the agreement or the partial delivery does not have
independent value. Oceanz is entitled to invoice partial deliveries
A waybill
enclosed with the delivery of the goods is deemed to accurately reflect the
quantity delivered unless the Customer reports his objections in writing to
Oceanz within 2 days after delivery. In that case, however, the customer
will not be entitled to a suspension right.
Article 6 Research, complaints
6.1 The
Purchaser is
obliged to inspect the goods delivered or the packaging at the time of
delivery, or to have this investigated carried out within 7 days after
notification by Oceanz that the goods are at the Purchaser's disposal. In
addition, the Customer must examine whether the quality and quantity of the
goods delivered correspond to what has been agreed, or at least meet the
requirements that are set for this in normal (trade) traffic.
Visible and
non-visible but easily identifiable defects must be noted immediately on the
waybill or delivery document. Invisible, and not easily identifiable,
defects must be reported to Oceanz in writing within 14 days after the Customer
has discovered or could have discovered this, with a precise description of the
6.3 Oceanz must be able to check submitted claims.
deviations within the generally accepted tolerance limits do not give the right
to complain.
If complaints
are submitted on time and if the complaints are correct in the
opinion of Oceanz , Oceanz will repair the defects or defects within a
reasonable period or replace the delivered items. However, the buyer
remains obliged to pay for the delivered goods and to comply with all other
obligations imposed on it.
6.6 If the claims are not correct in the opinion of Oceanz, the
Buyer is obliged to reimburse the reasonable costs of Oceanz in connection with
the investigation of the claims.
6.7 If a complaint is not made on time or if the Customer has taken
the goods into use by Oceanz, or has stored them, the goods will be deemed to
have been properly delivered.
Article 7 Reimbursements, price and costs
Oceanz is
entitled to charge an advance payment of 10 to 50% of the agreed price for
delivery or to demand full payment in advance.
If one of the
cost-determining factors, including social security charges, sales tax,
exchange rates, wages, the prices of raw materials, semi-finished products or
packaging material, etc. changes in the period between the offer or quotation
and the delivery, then Oceanz is entitled to correspondingly increase in the
price regardless of whether the cost increase was foreseeable.
Article 8 Payment
8.1 Payment must be made within 14 of the invoice date on an invoice
issued by Oceanz. to be indicated in the currency of the
invoice. Objections to the amount of the invoices do not suspend the
payment obligation.
8.2 If the Buyer fails to pay within the period of 14 days, the
Buyer is legally in default. In that case, the customer owes the statutory
Trade Interest pursuant to Section 6: 119a of the Dutch Civil Code.
8.3 In the event of liquidation, (application for) bankruptcy,
seizure or (provisional) suspension of payment from the Customer, the claims of
Oceanz on the Customer are immediately claimable.
8.4 If the Purchaser is in default or in default in the (timely)
fulfillment of its obligations, all reasonable costs for obtaining satisfaction
out of court will be for the account of the Purchaser.
Oceanz is authorized
and the Purchaser is obliged - as long as the Purchaser has not yet fully
complied with any obligation resting on it to Oceanz or if Oceanz has
reasonable fears that the Purchaser will not strictly meet its obligations - at
the first request of Oceanz sufficient in the Oceanz desired form of security
for fulfillment, including pledging of goods. If this guarantee is not
provided, Oceanz is entitled to terminate the agreement and the Customer is
obliged to compensate all damage suffered by Oceanz.
Article 9 Retention of title
9.1 All goods manufactured and delivered to the Customer by Oceanz
remain the property of Oceanz until the Customer has fully and correctly
fulfilled all its obligations towards Oceanz;
9.2 The
Purchaser is
authorized to sell or process the goods subject to the retention of title
within the normal course of the business of the Purchaser. Customer is not
authorized to pledge the goods that are subject to retention of title nor to
encumber them in any other way;
9.3 In the event that Oceanz wishes to exercise its ownership rights
referred to in this article, the Purchaser already gives unconditional and
irrevocable permission to Oceanz or third parties to be designated by it to
enter all those places where the properties of Oceanz are located and those
goods to take back.
Article 10 Suspension and termination
10.1 In addition to the options offered by law, Oceanz is
entitled to suspend compliance with the obligations or to
dissolve the agreement, if circumstances that have come to the knowledge of
Oceanz after concluding the agreement give good reason to fear that the
Customer will not fulfill the obligations. , will not comply fully or in
time. In the event that there is good reason to fear that the Buyer will
only comply partially or properly, the termination is only permitted to the
extent that the shortcoming justifies this.
Oceanz is entitled to dissolve the agreement or cause it to be dissolved, if
circumstances arise that are of such a nature that fulfillment of the agreement
can no longer be demanded or if standards of reasonableness and fairness are no
longer required, or if circumstances arise otherwise that the unaltered
maintenance of the agreement cannot reasonably be expected without this causing
Oceanz to become liable to the Customer for damages.
10.3 If the agreement is dissolved, the claims of Oceanz on the
Customer are immediately due and payable. If Oceanz suspends compliance
with its obligations, it will retain its rights under the law and agreement.
10.4 Oceanz always reserves the right to claim compensation.
Article 11 Liability
11.1 If Oceanz is liable, its liability is limited at all times to
the provisions of this article.
11.2 Oceanz is only liable if there is intent or willful recklessness
on its part. Oceanz is never liable for indirect damage, including
consequential damage, lost profit, lost savings and damage due to business
In the
implementation of the agreement, Oceanz will use all reasonably expected care
and competence. Oceanz is never liable for damage of any nature
whatsoever, because it is based on models, molds, calculations, drawings or
other information provided by the Customer.
Oceanz. is liable, then that liability is limited to a maximum of the
invoice amount with regard to (the part of) the agreement to which the
liability relates.
11.5 Oceanz is never liable for damage resulting from advice
given. Advice is always given on the basis of the facts and circumstances
known to Oceanz and in mutual consultation, whereby Oceanz always takes the
intention of the Customer as a guideline and starting point.
11.6 Any damage claims must - under penalty of forfeiture - be
reported to Oceanz immediately in writing, but no later than five working days
after the damage occurred. The customer must - under penalty of forfeiture
- make a legal claim against Oceanz within 6 months after Oceanz is held
Article 12 Force majeure
Oceanz is not
obliged to fulfill any obligation if it is prevented from doing so as a result
of an (external) circumstance that is not due to gross negligence or intent on
the part of Oceanz and is not required by law, legal act or in the prevailing
12.2 In these general terms and conditions, force majeure is
understood to mean, in addition to what is understood in this regard by law and
case law, all external causes, foreseen or unforeseen , over which
Oceanz cannot influence, but as a result of which Oceanz is unable to fulfill
its obligations. A shortage of raw materials, machine breakage, strikes at
the Oceanz company, illness of its staff, theft, traffic restrictions, frost,
rain and stagnation in the supply of materials by suppliers are included.
12.3 Oceanz also has the right to invoke force majeure if the
circumstance that prevents (further) fulfillment occurs after Oceanz should
have fulfilled its obligation.
12.4 Oceanz may, during the period that the force majeure continues,
suspend the obligations arising from the agreement, without obligation to
the Buyer for any damage whatsoever. If this
period lasts longer than three months, Oceanz is entitled to terminate the
agreement, without obligation to compensate the Customer for any damage
12.5 To the extent that at the time of force majeure Oceanz has
partially complied with its obligations under the agreement or will be able to
fulfill it and that the part fulfilled or to be fulfilled will have independent
value, Oceanz is entitled to the part already fulfilled or to be fulfilled to
be invoiced separately. The customer is obliged to pay this invoice as if
it were a separate agreement.
Article 13 Disputes
13.1 The court in the seat of Oceanz has exclusive jurisdiction to
hear disputes.
Article 14 Applicable law and translation
14.1 Dutch law applies to every agreement between Oceanz and Customer
and to any legal relationship between them. The applicability of the
Vienna Sales Convention of 1980
( Convention on the International Sale
of Goods 1980) is expressly excluded.
14.2 The Dutch text of these general terms and conditions is binding.
The cancellation period is fourteen days from the date on which you have taken possession of the goods.
In order to exercise your right of cancellation please inform us:
Oceanz 3D- Printing
Maxwellstraat 21
6716 BX, Ede Gld
The Netherlands
+31 318 769 077
Oceanz 3D printing , located at Maxwellstraat 21, 6716 BX Ede, The Netherlands, is responsible for the processing of personal data as shown in this privacy statement.
Contact details:
Oceanz 3D printing
Maxwellstraat 21
6716 BX, Ede Gld
The Netherlands
+31 318 769 077
1. Personal data that we process
Oceanz 3D printing processes your personal data because you use our services and / or because you provide this data to us.
Below you will find an overview of the personal data that we process:
o First and last name
o Address details
o Telephone number
o E-mail address
2. Special and / or sensitive personal data that we process
Our website and / or service does not intend to collect data about website visitors under the age of 16. Unless they have permission from parents or guardian. However, we cannot check whether a visitor is older than 16 years. If you are convinced that we have collected personal data about a minor without that permission, please contact us via info@oceanz.eu and we will remove this information.
3. For what purpose and on what basis do we process personal data?
Oceanz 3D printing processes your personal data for the following purposes:
o Processing your payment
o Sending our newsletter
o To be able to call or e- mail you if this is necessary to be able to perform our services
o To offer you the possibility to create an account
o To deliver goods and services to you
4. Automated decision making
Oceanz 3D printing does not make decisions based on automated processing on matters that can have (significant) consequences for people. These are decisions that are made by computer programs or systems, without a human being (for example, an employee of Oceanz 3D printing ).
5. How long we keep personal data
Oceanz 3D printing does not store your personal data (personal details, address, telephone number and e-mail address) for longer than is strictly necessary to realize the purposes for which your data was collected.
6. Sharing of personal data with third parties
Oceanz 3D printing only provides data to third parties and only if this is necessary for the implementation of our agreement with you or to comply with a legal obligation.
7. Cookies, or similar techniques, that we use
Oceanz 3D printing uses only technical and functional cookies. And analytical cookies that do not infringe on your privacy. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone during the first visit to this website . The cookies we use are necessary for the technical operation of the website and your ease of use. They ensure that the website works properly and, for example, remember your
preference settings. We can also use this to optimize our website . You can opt out of cookies by setting your internet browser so that it no longer stores cookies. In addition, you can also delete all information that was previously saved via the settings of your browser.
Oceanz 3D printing and Analytics
Oceanz 3D printing uses Google Analytics and has one for this
processor agreement with Google. Oceanz 3D printing has masked the last octet of the IP address , 'data sharing' has been turned off and Oceanz 3D printing does not use other Google services in combination with the Google Analytics cookies.
8. View, modify or delete data
You have the right to view, correct or delete your personal data. You also have the right to withdraw your consent for data processing or to object to the processing of your personal data by Ocea nz 3D printing and you have the right to data transferability. This means that you can submit a request to us to send the personal data that we hold about you in a computer file to you or another organization mentioned by you.
You can request your access, correction, deletion, data transfer
send personal data or request to withdraw your consent or objection to the processing of your personal data to info@oceanz.eu.
To ensure that the request for inspection has been made by you, we request that you send a copy of your proof of identity with the request. Make in this copy your passport photo, MRZ (machine readable zone, the strip with numbers at the bottom of the passport), passport number and Burgerservicen ummer (BSN) black. This is to protect your privacy. We will respond to your request as quickly as possible, but within four weeks.
Oceanz 3D printing also wants to point out that you have the option to file a complaint with the national supervisory authority , the Dutch Data Protection Authority.
You can do this via the following link: https : //autoriteit Individual data.nl/nl/contact-with-de-autoriteit Individual data/tip-ons
9. How we protect personal data
Oceanz 3D printing takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent abuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized changes. If you have the impression that your data is not properly protected or there are indications of abuse, please contact our customer service or via info@oceanz.eu