As an addition to conventional ablative or reshaping techniques, selective laser sintering (SLS) offers design engineers and product developers great freedom in designing plastic parts. Even highly complex geometries with undercuts or cavities, where processes such as turning or milling reach their limits, are easy to produce with selective laser sintering. MultiJet fusion also offers special component production advantages. The process principle works without using a laser beam and makes it possible to produce workpieces in extremely short cycle times. Production that can meet highly customized requirements in the shortest possible time is an attractive way for companies to secure their competitiveness.
Training content
Basics (process principle, machines, process chain)
SLS/MJF plastics
Data preparation and construction job layout
Construction process (laser, powder application, exposure, post-process)
Advantages of design freedom and flexibility
Learning goals
Our training module is designed to help you understand the specifics of the two processes so that you can fully exploit the potential of industrial 3D printing throughout your process chain. From the basics of process principles to the specific properties of the materials used in the production process to the AM-compliant preparation of your CAD models, you are provided with a comprehensive overview. The relevant topics on additive manufacturing methods thus show you how to optimally exploit the freedom provided by the technology and the construction speed for your production process.
Simply arrange a training date
If you are interested in our offer and in using 3D printing to optimize your production process, then feel free to contact us and make an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you.