The potential of additive manufacturing methods for production has been recognized commercially. Increasingly, companies are integrating industrial 3-D printing into their production process as a real alternative to conventional manufacturing processes and are benefitting from the customized and fast production of components as well as from the newly gained degrees of freedom in complexity. In addition, the continuous development of new materials and processing methods allows 3-D printing to be used for more and more applications.
With the growing demand and simultaneous development of 3-D printing, companies are searching for the efficient employment of production methods. Because it often remains unanswered in which application areas the technology generates the most added value. With this in mind, it becomes apparent that training courses are needed.
Course content
Historical development
Process chain
Additive manufacturing process
Product development
Work safety and periphery
Application examples
Data preparation
Learning Objectives
The main objective of our training courses is to enable you to identify the units/modules and components of your production that are potentially suitable for additive manufacturing methods for economic reasons.
To this end, the basics of 3-D printing technology will first be presented to you clearly and in detail through the presentation of components generated by 3-D printing so that you can gain an overview of the methods. Instruction in Materials Science then builds on top of this and which highlights the peculiarities of the materials used as well as the nature of additively produced components. By merging both topics, the potential of the manufacturing process is explained, so that you can identify components suitable for 3-D printing in the future.
Overview of the additive methods
Understanding of materials and their qualities
Identification of components suitable for 3-D printing
Schedule a training session now
If you are interested in our training courses and want to optimize your production processes via 3-D printing, then please contact us and make an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you!